WEF - National Competitiveness

The Future of Growth Report 2024 of the World Economic Forum introduces a comprehensive framework designed to evaluate the quality of economic growth across 107 countries worldwide. This multidimensional framework assesses nations' economic growth along four key dimensions: Innovativeness, Inclusiveness, Sustainability, and Resilience.

The report provides data and analysis that can be valuable for a wide array of stakeholders. These stakeholders may include policymakers, economists, businesses, NGOs, and international organizations. By utilizing the insights from this framework, stakeholders can identify areas for improvement, address trade-offs between different growth dimensions, and capitalize on potential synergies.

Recognizing that each country has its unique growth trajectory influenced by a multitude of factors, the report identifies seven distinct "growth pathway archetypes." These archetypes aim to group countries that share similar growth characteristics and face analogous constraints and opportunities.

Overall, the report serves as a valuable resource for understanding and navigating the complexities of economic growth in diverse global contexts. It not only facilitates comparative analysis but also offers insights into strategies for fostering sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economic development tailored to each country's specific circumstances.

Since 2004, Adrian Said led the partner institute of the World Economic Forum by assisting in the compilation of data and survey responses and in particular for Malta. This reflects his long-standing commitment to promoting economic development and cooperation, both within Malta and on the international stage through the World Economic Forum's platform.


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